
    U.S. Supreme Court upholds Indian Child Welfare Act; state ICWA task force to meet next month in Riverton

    The U.S. Supreme Court issued an opinion Thursday upholding the constitutionality of the federal Indian Child Welfare Act.

    “We reject all of petitioners’ challenges to the statute,” Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barret wrote in the court opinion.

    The pending case had caused concern among local and state government officials, resulting in two new laws in Wyoming: one incorporating ICWA into state statute, and another creating a task force to study the federal law and develop recommendations to tailor it to the needs of Wyoming.


    The ICWA task force is scheduled to meet Wednesday, July 12, in Room 125 of the Central Wyoming College Intertribal Education and Community Center in Riverton.

    Local legislators on the task force are Wyoming Rep. Lloyd Larsen, R-Lander, and Wyoming Sen. Cale Case, R-Lander.


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