
    Lander Care and Share Food Bank has a new executive director

    (Lander, WY) – After 12 years as the executive director, Audrey Krise is retiring from the Lander Care and Share Food Bank, and Lander local Stacy Stebner is stepping into the role.

    “It’s been a good ride. It really has,” Krise shared.

    The food bank has undergone significant changes during her tenure, including refrigeration upgrades so they can accept nutritious produce, and has nearly doubled the number of people it serves to 1,800.


    Stebner is brand new to the Lander Care and Share Food Bank, having most recently come from the arts. She served as the Lander Art Center Executive Director until two years ago and is a founding member of The Bossert Collective in Lander.

    “This felt like a really good fit and somewhere I could contribute, but something I could also really be passionate about,” Stebner explained. “I do a lot of grant writing. So, I really wanted to stay in the nonprofit sector. It felt like a good fit. The food sector is not something that I was super familiar with. So, it also felt like a great learning opportunity.”

    So what’s next for Krise? “Travel and grandbabies. We’ll see what comes up. I don’t have any real concrete plans. We’ll see how it rolls.”

    “I’d like to thank them for all their support all these years,” Krise shared about the community. “If we put something on Facebook that we need, they’re there. I mean, the next day, people are dropping off whatever it is that we asked for. So this community’s been really great.”


    The Lander Care and Share Food Bank has about 50 volunteers that contribute to different aspects of the organization, whether it’s picking up food or working one of the four weekly shifts.

    They are open from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm Tuesday through Thursday and 5-6 pm Thursday evenings.

    You can learn more about the Lander Care and Share Food Bank on Facebook or online.


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