
    Before you get active – 4 tips to avoid injury

    Fremont Therapy Group has a few tips for you as you start getting active now that the snow is finally melting. Take care of yourself PROACTIVELY before you get active!

    1. Dynamic warmup. Before you start your exercise, you need to warm your body up. A dynamic warm-up promotes blood flow, helps prevent injury and muscle soreness, and helps improve overall performance.
    2. Pace yourself on the first few days of activities to avoid a training injury. Ease into the intensity and the length of time of your activity. Don’t go too hard on those first few workouts. 
    3. Static stretch after your exercise. Hold each stretch for at least 20-30 seconds. 
    4. As you start to feel more consistent with your exercise, you can increase your duration/intensity by 10% every few weeks to keep your progression going

    This is the perfect time of year to check in with your PT if you haven’t gone in a while. Especially if you plan to train for a race or are active in the warmer months and want to avoid an injury that will set you back. 

    If you need support or want more info and support, visit our FTG+ by clicking here

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