
    #WhatsHappening: Shoshoni High School spring play runs this week

    (Shoshoni, WY) – Shoshoni High School is putting on a production of Murder at the Rundown Abby by Craid Sodaro. The play runs this week, April 25-27, at the school.

    Doors open at 5:30 p.m., dinner at 6, and curtains at 7. The tickets each cost $20, and the dinner will be Shepard’s Pie. The girls’ and boys’ wrestling teams will provide the dinner, and all proceeds will be split between the wrestling teams and the theater department. The theater is saving this money to upgrade its mics.

    The Crumbledown family is being sent letters that threaten to kill everyone off one by one. When the beloved family butler, Treadlightly, is killed, their maid decides to contact a private investigator. Enter Sam Splayed, a down-on-his-luck American private eye who needs to solve a big case to get his name out into the world. He gets himself hired to replace the butler, and his girlfriend, Kitty Katz, impersonates a psychic to try to figure out what is going on. 


    The cast of characters includes the wasp-ish matriarch, Lady Snodly-Snippet; the last Crubledown, Lord Percival Crumbledown; his longsuffering wife, Lady Pamala Crumbledown; Lady Pamala’s two daughters from her first marriage, Edit and Hortense; Lady Pamala’s orphaned nephew, Reginal Snodly-Snippet; their maid, Annie Pennywise; their cook, Mugatroid; the sister’s love interest, Harrold Symington-Dimwitty; their solicitor’s secretary Olive Green; and their grumpy gardener, Gus Grumbles. 

    Will they figure out who is committing the murders, or will it be too late?

    Get your tickets online here.


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