
    Spring has gone into hiding, but your grill doesn’t have to – Time to shine!

    Ah, the sweet scent of spring is in the air! Just kidding. It seems as though Spring has been put on hold here in Wyoming. Maybe if we all fire up our grills at the same time, Mother Nature will get the hint! Let’s bring on the warmer weather, fight the cold and snow, and fire up the grill for some delicious BBQ. But before you get too excited and start throwing on those juicy steaks, let’s take a moment to give your grill the love and attention it deserves.

    Your grill has been through a lot over the winter. The Wyoming wind has battered it, the snow has covered it, and who knows what critters have made their homes inside it! But fear not, with a little bit of elbow grease and the right tools, your grill will be as good as new.

    First things first, let’s get rid of that grime. No one wants to cook on a dirty grill, so let’s reserve “dirty” for our martinis (Speaking of alcohol, check out this great recipe for grilled Sangria) and 4-wheeling trips. Grab a bucket of soapy water, a heavy-duty sponge, some paper towels or a rag, and a grill brush or stone. Depending on the type of grill grates you have, you’ll need to use a specific brush or stone. Don’t scrub too hard though, you don’t want to damage your grill.

    Now it’s time to tackle that rust. Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us! Mix baking soda with distilled white vinegar in a 1:2 ratio until a thick, spreadable paste forms. Cover the grill grates in the paste and allow it to sit for 15 minutes. Using steel wool, a stiff-bristled brush or an abrasive scrubber, scour the rust from the grates. Good as new!

    Did you know that you can even “cure” your clean grates? Pop them in a 450-degree oven for a couple of hours to help them last longer. And while you’re at it, make sure to check for any spider webs in your gas grill pipes. Spiders love to make their homes there, but we don’t want them getting in the way of our BBQ fun.

    Now that the grates and bugs are taken care of, it’s time to give the outer grill a good cleaning. Soap and water will do the trick, but if you really want to make it shine, there are specialty sprays that can cut through the grease and grime. And don’t forget to check the air vents to make sure they’re clean and clear for proper airflow.

    But wait, before you get too carried away, there are a few things you should avoid.

    Don’t use your household vacuum to clean out your grill or smoker. Your vacuum will not recover! Unless you love the fresh smell of smoke every time you vacuum, this is a job for the shop vac. I had to learn the hard way when my husband snuck the vacuum out to do the job and then snuck it back in. Not advisable for a happy marriage. Husbands beware! And definitely don’t use a wire brush to clean your grill grates, as the bristles can break off and end up in your food (ouch!). Lastly, don’t use a pressure washer to clean your grill grates as this can strip off the enamel coating, causing rust and reducing the lifespan of your BBQ.

    Now that your grill is shiny and new, slap some meat on that bad boy and feed the family. Throw a few veggies in for good measure and snap that photo! It could win you a shiny new “Spirit II E210” Weber gas grill.

    It’s easy:

    The contest began on Monday, March 20th and goes through June 20th. This gives you three months of fabulous BBQs to get your best shot. All you have to do is snap a picture, upload it to Facebook with the hashtag #whatsgrillin and be sure to tag Porter’s Mountain View Supply in the post. For those that want it simplified even more: SNAP, UPLOAD, HASHTAG, TAG.

    A few tips:

    • Make sure your Facebook post is set to public, not private
    • Get your kids and pets in on the action. The cuteness factor has been proven time and time again.
    • Enter as many photos as you like. The more food to drool over the better!
    • Don’t forget the hashtag! #whatsgrillin
    • Keep an eye on Porter’s Facebook page for updates and to scope out the competition

    Get to Porter’s for all your grill cleaning needs and then GET GRILLING!

    Mark your calendar!

    June 17th, 2023
    Get ready for the party of the summer! On June 17th from 11:30 am to 3:00 pm in Porter’s parking lot, we’re having a huge Father’s Day celebration. This will include fun for the kids, free food, a “Chopped” BBQ Challenge featuring local talent, and the 2nd annual Dad Olympics. Be on the lookout for more details and prepare for a smokin’ Father’s Day weekend!

    April 7th & 8th, 2023
    Celebrate Easter with Porters! Hunt for hidden eggs at Porter’s Mountain View Supply in Riverton on April 7-8. Find an egg and win discounts and freebies! It’s an Easter Egg Hunt for adults! One egg per customer.

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