
    Riverton Soroptimists collect money for Ukraine

    (Riverton, WY) – The Soroptimist International’s mission to improve the lives of women and girls speaks every day to the members of Soroptimist International of Riverton. Moved by the heartbreaking footage in the news, members acted on that mission.

    On Thursday, March 10th, Patti Powell, along with members Barbara Stapleton and Karen Hinkle sat for just over 2 hours in the lobby of Smith’s Food and Drug and solicited donations for the Women and Children of Ukraine.

    In that time period, the generous citizens of Riverton and Fremont County stuffed $350 in the jar, many with kind and sympathetic comments. An outpouring of love and encouragement from Riverton, Wyoming, a world away from Ukraine.


    In total, SI Riverton wired $422 (367 Euros) to SI Lviv, Ukraine via SI Warsaw, Poland. The project operates out of Przemysl, Poland situated near the Ukrainian border. It assists war victims in Ukraine with food, medicine, medical bandaging materials, diapers, sleeping bags, transport, and everything else that is necessary.

    Soroptimist members would like to thank Smith’s Food and Drug and all the wonderful people who donated.

    A statement from Soroptimist International of Europe reads: “War is not gender neutral. The conflict in Ukraine cannot leave us silent. We fear for the health and well-being of millions of women and girls who may suffer injury, loss of their homes and their jobs, displacement, loss of schooling, rape, and death. Women are much more vulnerable to war crimes….”

    For more information on Soroptimist International or the Ukraine project, call Patti Powell at 307-899-5053 or Barbara Stapleton at 307-330-5464.


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