
    WYDOT streamlines authorized travel program

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    h/t WYDOT for the photo

    Department of Transportation shares the following:

    Wyoming motorists who need permission to travel on closed sections of highways when conditions are safe may be eligible for faster approval into the state’s authorized travel program.

    The Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) is streamlining its WYDOT Authorized Travel (WAT) program to allow faster approval for new and renewing Wyoming applicants under certain conditions. Once approved, WAT users would then receive travel permission alerts the same way.

    WYDOT decided to implement a faster-approval system to help when the state has rolling closures on roads like Interstate 80. Those closures typically occur during winter storms when a city reaches its capacity and services are no longer available for additional vehicles.

    “To receive faster approval, a person must have a Wyoming address, vehicle registration and driver license,” said Ali Ragan, project manager for WYDOT’s Intelligent Transportation Systems program. “They also can’t have more than six segments of road they are applying for.”

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    Under the WAT program, WYDOT gives motorists permission to travel if their destinations are between the closure gates and impassable portions of the road. The program is designed primarily for local commuters who travel between home and work, school, medical appointments and agricultural property.

    WAT doesn’t give blanket permission for motorists to travel during every road closure. The only time WYDOT will notify a person is if the section they requested is safe to travel and not impacted by any events that closed the road initially.

    Under the new streamlined system, everyone who previously applied to the WAT program will need to reapply as well as those who are new to the program.

    Out-of-state applicants and Wyoming residents who request travel on more than six segments will apply online as well but their applications could take longer for approval.

    To apply for the WAT program, motorists can visit the Wyoming Travel Information Service website and click on the WAT icon. Motorists will need to submit justification for travel, road sections they need to travel, and driver contact and vehicle information.

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