
    What other states do Wyoming residents love and hate the most?

    There’s not very many of us in Wyoming, but most of our limited residents are pretty proud of our state. Naturally though, most who have the “wild west spirit” like to go exploring in other areas of the country once in a while.

    One Reddit user put together a couple maps recently using data from Instagram of the state that each state both loves the most and hates the most.

    The state that Wyoming loves the most? Maybe not too surprising, our neighbors to the north, Montana!


    Awkwardly, apparently the Treasure State doesn’t feel the same way about us in return. Their favorite is Washington. Unfortunately, no state’s picked Wyoming as their favorite. But, maybe keeping it a secret is a good thing anyway.

    When it comes to the state that Wyoming hates the most, we’re not alone. Pretty much the entire western half of the country says they dislike California, except of course California themselves.

    Texas and New York also saw a few haters. Interestingly, North Dakota’s least favorite state is South Dakota. While South Dakota’s least favorite… you guessed it, North Dakota.

    Check out the full map of the most hated states here.


    And the full map of the most loved states here.


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