
    ‘Reopen Wyoming’ rally happening in Lander tomorrow

    Several Reopen Wyoming rallies are planned across Wyoming, including locally, tomorrow, April 24th, for what has now been designated “Freedom Friday,” by the statewide Reopen Wyoming grassroots movement. The local rally is planned to start at 2:00 pm in Lander’s Veterans Memorial Park.

    “The intent [of the rally] is to bring attention to the fact that people are restless, and we need to get back to work,” shared local organizer Betsy Milek. “This is not to get away from our families but provide for them.”

    Reopen Wyoming was organized in response to Governor Mark Gordon’s business shut down. The rally is intended to be peaceful and to exercise our First Amendment right, Betsy explained. Participants will gather at the park with signs, and the declaration of the Reopen Wyoming group will be read.


    They are also asking attendees to follow CDC guidelines of social distancing. Betsy also shared that if folks do not feel comfortable getting out of their vehicles that is okay. A driving route is in the works as well. Additional details about the rally in Lander tomorrow can be found by clicking here.


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