
    Talk in the 10: ‘Boy have things changed’

    Fremont County is large, diverse, and filled with opinions, or “talk in the 10.” “Talk in the 10” is an opportunity for you, our readers, to articulate and share your thoughts about what is happening in the community with the community. Letters may have been edited for clarity and length, but generally have been published exactly as received. The views expressed in the following are solely those of the author. Send your letters to our editors by emailing opi[email protected]

    Dear Reader:

    Having been a longtime observer of issues local, state, and national, I am seeing some things that concern me more and more. I realize that sometimes my ideas and thoughts are a little outside the mainstream, but that is what gives life its “flavor.”


    I attended a city council meeting the other night and spoke on an issue that I have been chewing on for some time. The issue, for purposes of this article, is not important. Another citizen spoke also on an issue that was important to him as well. Once again, the specific issue is not important for this conversation. What is important is the “rest of the story.”

    The council meets on the first and third Tuesday of the month. On Wednesday morning the next day the mayor, and a senior staff, usually the city administrator, are interviewed over 1530 KVOW radio by Ernie Over, Reporter. They go over the previous agenda, item by item and discuss what happened and why. It is a great program and I have been personally involved in it as well as having enjoyed it over the years. After this show, however, I was concerned and disappointed. During this morning interview by Mr. Over, Mayor Hancock and
    Administrator Butterfield, there was not one comment, pro or con, regarding the comments made by me and the other citizen. I will admit that our comments were not “earth shaking” and were mildly critical of the city. All the more reason for reporter Over, who was at the meeting, to bring up our comments for a response from our elected officials. I have known Mr. Over for years and in my opinion, this was a very poor performance on his news show. If this is the level that “journalism” has sunk to in our community, we are in a very bad way and the reason for my growing concern and this letter.

    Is this our future with the Ranger and community leaders in getting the news out? I was also very disappointed with our elected officials. Ignoring issues, they do not like or support in such a brazen way. No comment is not a response to citizens that have taken the time to come and talk on issues that are important to them. Boy have things changed since I was in office.

    Ron Warpness


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