
    ‘Arapaho Truths’ film selected for three upcoming film festivals

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    St. Stephens School and Moonstar Productions shared the local film ‘Arapaho Truths’ has been selected for The San Diego International Kids’ Film Festival on August 23-25, 2019, The Four Corners Film Festival in New Mexico on September 10-15 and The NatiVisions Film Festival in Colorado on October 3-5.

    “Film festivals tend to be inundated with submissions and to be selected is a real honor.” said George Giglio, the films director.


    In April, the film had its first-ever screening at the Wind River Hotel and Casino. The film is approximately 30 minutes and presents four traditional Arapaho stories, “How the Bear Lost his Tail,” “The Sun, Moon and Wives,” “The Arapaho Creation Story,” and “Star Girl”.  

    Below in italics is information about the film shared by Moonstar Productions:

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    Each story is told by an elder tribe member, William C’Hair, Wayne C’Hair or Eugene Ridgely Jr. Each is uniquely illustrated by the [St. Stephens Indian School] students, one using clay animation, one using shadow puppets, one has the students performing in a real world environment and in the last the students perform in an environment of their own drawings.

    Between each of these stories are short anecdotes and insights about native story telling, these are told by various tribal elders, mentors, school officials and students; including Merle Haas, Frank No Runner, James Stewart, Michael Eugene Ridge Bear, Ryan Tyler, Ruth Goggles, Janice Goggles, Rupert “Ducky” Goggles, Hista Soldier Wolf and Darryl Dodge among others. The film features the Students of St. Stephens including performances by Danielle Bass as Star Girl, Timberly Blackburn as her mother and Precious Gould as the astronaut.


    The film is narrated by Sergio Maldonado and contains traditional music by Michael Eugene Ridge Bear and Mike Redman as well as a score by Tim Janus. The film’s Executive Producer is Dara Weller, to whom the film is dedicated. It is directed by George Giglio, the Director of Photography is Joe Collins and the films Producer is Maureen Matson.

    The objectives of this project were to educate the students, through the process of film making, about the history and content of the traditional stories, to enlist them, through art and performance, to illustrate the stories and to use the film as a vehicle for showcasing the students work.

    It was also the goal to educate audiences about the importance and fragility of these stories, with the hope that the film might, in a small way, help to keep these stories alive.


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