
    Talk in the 10: LVHS library book “Let’s Talk About It”

    Fremont County is large, diverse, and filled with opinions, or “talk in the 10.” “Talk in the 10” is an opportunity for you, our readers, to articulate and share your thoughts about what is happening in the community with the community. Letters may have been edited for clarity and length, but generally have been published exactly as received. The views expressed in the following are solely those of the author. Send your letters to our editors by emailing opi[email protected]

    David Simpson with the Cowboy State Daily News wrote an in-depth article regarding the book “Let’s Talk About It” that is available for 13 to 18 year olds in the LVHS Library. This subject matter is something that should be taught, discussed and supervised within the home by parents or guardians, not within a school setting. If you are unfamiliar with this issue, I would advise ALL adults with or without children in the Lander School System to open your eyes and see what your taxpayer dollars are being spent on. Mr. Simpson had the illustrations available from within the book to view at the viewers discretion. This book is nothing less than hard core pornography! The school Librarian should be held accountable for child abuse of minors for contributing pornographic material. This books topics range from sex organs, (graphic illustrations) instruction on sex, oral sex and masturbation with cartoon illustrations, (heterosexual and homosexual), that gender binary is an “obsolete viewpoint”, sexually transmitted diseases are “super common”, it’s ok to consume pornography, sending sexually explicit images through the phone is ok as long as all laws are followed. The University of Rochester Medical Center states “it doesn’t matter how smart teens are that good judgment isn’t something they can excel in yet. The rational part of a teen’s brain isn’t fully developed and won’t be until age 25 or so.  In teens’ brains, the connections between the emotional part of the brain and the decision-making center are still developing”. We need to protect our children from this type of material in our school system. Please contact the school board members and voice your concerns.

    Thank You
    Janelle Hahn, concerned citizen and grandparent


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