
    Taking Care Of Your Pets

    A Couple Tips For Helping Your Pets Live Their Best, Happiest, Healthiest Lives

    We love our furry friends, especially here in Wyoming. Whether it’s an indoor cat, a working horse, a gerbil, or anything in between, there are a couple of important things that your animals need in order to stay happy, healthy, and safe. Whether you’re a first-time pet owner or just want to make sure you’re doing everything you need to be doing, we hope you’ll find this article helpful!

    1. Give Them 24/7 Access to Fresh Water

    Just like us, animals need access to fresh, clean water at all times. Make sure you keep their water bowl within easy access and refill it twice a day, especially if the weather is hot. This will ensure they are hydrated and cool, and will really increase their chances of leading a healthy life and avoiding the major pitfalls to which dehydration can lead. 

    Animals that live in the water, such as turtles and fish, should have their tanks cleaned regularly, and in the case of fish, have a filtration system that is effective in keeping the water clean and clear.

    1. Feed Them A Healthy Diet

    Just like us, pets thrive on a diet that’s healthy but have an increased likelihood of health problems when they’re eating poorly. And also like humans, an animal’s nutritional needs change throughout the course of their lives. For example, a puppy will need different food than a senior dog. Dog and cat foods are specifically formulated to provide the right balance of nutrients in the right amounts, and choosing the right one will help your pet stay firmly on the path to good health. 

    While it’s certainly okay to give your animal treats on occasion (that are made specifically for their species!), avoid giving them too much, since this can increase their risk of obesity. And for the sake of your pet’s health, don’t give them table scraps! Some foods that we humans eat regularly can be damaging to your pet or, in some cases, even deadly.

    If you’re looking for specific guidance on what to feed your beloved pet, we suggest talking to your veterinarian. They know your pet and your circumstances, and would be happy to advise you.

    1. Pets Need Exercise

    Have you ever noticed that after you go for a walk, your mood tends to improve and you have more energy than you did before? That’s because exercise comes with a plethora of benefits to your physical and mental health, and those benefits are ones that your pet can enjoy too (and, in fact, needs in order to live their best life.) Often, behavioral issues that your pet displays can be drastically reduced by making sure they get enough exercise. Take your dog for a walk, play fetch, provide a climbing area for your cat, ride your horse – any safe exercise is good for them (and you!)


    Small animals such as hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, and yes, even reptiles also need opportunities for exercise. This usually takes the form of specialized equipment such as hamster wheels that are placed in their enclosures. If you have any questions about how to make sure your pet is getting enough exercise, we encourage you to talk to your veterinarian!

    1. Make Sure They Have A Good Place To Do Their Business

    Whether it’s the litter box, a corner of the yard, or somewhere in their enclosure, all animals need a place to do their business. It’s important to have realistic expectations for the type of animal you have, and to keep their bathroom space clean and tidy. Cats can be taught to use a litter box and dogs can be trained to go outdoors or use potty pads. Horses and other large animals can simply go when the need strikes, but it’s important to clean out their enclosures regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria and other nasties that can make them sick. The same is true of small animals who live in enclosures, such as reptiles, amphibians, and rodents.

    1. Provide A Safe, Warm Shelter

    This is especially true in Wyoming, where our winters can be brutal and predators like coyotes, bears, wolves, and mountain lions often roam the more rural areas. Keep indoor pets indoors or in a safe outdoor area, and make sure that large animals like horses have access to a shelter, such as a barn or lean-to. Indoor animals like cats and dogs can benefit hugely from having their own beds, especially cats, who often like to curl up in a covered enclosure that’s safe, cozy, and warm.

    1. Don’t Forget Doctor Visits!

    Your pet will benefit from regular visits to the veterinarian. During those visits, you can ask any questions you might have about their welfare and any changes in behavior or condition you’ve noticed. The vet will also look them over during their general exam, which will help them discover any issues before they become major.


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