
    “Severe Drought” continues to increase across Fremont County

    The U.S. Drought Monitor recently released an updated drought map of Wyoming, and it’s not looking good for portions of the state, Fremont County included.

    h/t U.S. Drought Monitor – As of July 28th

    Below is the U.S. Drought Monitor map of Wyoming released a week before the one shared above.

    h/t U.S. Drought Monitor – As of July 21st

    The report from the U.S. Drought Monitor currently says the Wyoming drought impacts will be short-term, typically less than 6 months. The full report can be read by clicking here.


    As a reminder, multiple fire bans were put into effect during July including Fremont County, Lander Region Game and Fish Commission-owned, administered lands, Wind River Reservation, and public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management.


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