
    Lander Seed Library dedicated to Elaine Campbell Wednesday

    (Lander, WY)—On Wednesday, June 26, Elaine Campbell’s friends and family dedicated the Lander Seed Library in her honor. It is now known as “The Elaine Campbell Memorial Seed Library.”

    “Elaine was one of our first volunteers when the library took up this project,” shared Lane Bushmeyer, Lander Library employee. “She might have actually been our very first and she was the first one who came in the door for seed sorting when we first started this out. She’s very dedicated to it. She came to almost every session whenever she could. She’s very passionate about gardening, the Lander gardening community, and was a big part of it even though she wasn’t here in Lander for a very long time.”

    One seed library volunteer shared how they got to know Elaine, who also got them involved in seed sorting for the library.


    “We arrived about a half a year earlier. So we were both newbies, and she was just a treat to be around. And she invited me to come in with Cass to sort seeds in little envelopes.”

    Another shared how Elaine was organized and passionate about the seed library.

    “Elaine was also really organized. She made this really great book to go with the seed catalog, and it was alphabetical and it had the instructions for how to plant each type of seed that was in there. It was really good.”

    The Seed Library Volunteers created a plaque to sit on top of the converted card catalog, which now holds the seeds. It sits next to a framed photo of Elaine provided by her husband, Dave.


    The Elaine Campbell Memorial Seed Library is located at the Lander Library. It offers free access to a variety of seeds.

    For more information about the seed library, call the Lander Library at (307) 332-5194.


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