
    Today is a good day to quit – Great Fremont County Smokeout

    We all know that smoking isn’t good, but did you know that within minutes of smoking your last cigarette, your body begins to recover? It’s true. Each day you’ll notice something new. Does your food taste better? YES! Does everything REALLY smell that good? YES! Without the hindrance of always smelling smoke, you can now truly stop and smell the holidays. And no more standing in the freezing cold just to smoke! Not to mention the most important thing, your lungs and your heart will love you for it. So will your loved ones.

    The chart above shows just how quickly your body recovers once you quit. The body is a miraculous thing!

    On November 18, 1976, the California Division of the American Cancer Society successfully prompted nearly one million smokers to quit for the day. That California event marked the first Smokeout. Since then, The Great American Smokeout takes place every year in November to help American’s across the country quit for good. There are tools and resources available at outlining the programs and help that’s available for you… and it won’t cost you a penny!


    Use that newly healing body to better enjoy activities with loved ones. Need some extra support while quitting? It’s there too. Check out the wheel below.

    So many positive sources of strength. Tap into your strengths! You’ll thank us! And remember, you can be someone else’s strength. Be a positive example to your children, help where you can, be that supportive family member or positive friend. We can all help.


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