
    Happy Valentines Day stupid!


    To the man that makes everyday valentines day. If my feet hurt he buys me 6 pairs of shoes, runs me a bath, and rubs my feet daily. To the man who sends flowers so much the florist thinks I’m sick. To the man who can’t go a day without buying me a trinket, nachos, or even rubber gloves for my job. To the man who thinks I walk on water and screams it to everyone who dares to take a breath and listen. To the wonderful soul who brings me breakfast everyday, helps tackle kids, and fix leaks even when it isn’t his job.
    I could never repay you for instilling what love looks like and how it feels.
    You are a beautiful, kind, loving soul that the world doesn’t deserve, but needs.
    You are truly a blessing to my kids and myself and everyday I will make sure you know that.
    I hope you have a beautiful valentines day stupid and know you are loved beyond words.
    Love you rockets and rainbows.
    Heath, pook ‘a’dook, slowy, and Peepa the creepa 😉

    From this dumb redhead


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