
    Dear Drunk Driver, … I miss my Grandma.

    One day a teacher asked her students to write a letter to the person who changed their young lives. The teacher was hoping students would write to those whom inspired and motivated them.

    Instead, this elementary student’s words may bring you to tears and hopefully, motivate us all to not drink and drive. Below is the student’s letter:

    Dear Drunk Driver,

    I am writing to you because you changed my life. You decided to drink beer and drive your car into my grandma’s car and now she is an angel. My grandma made the best frybread. My grandma gave the best hugs. My grandma taught me to tie my shoes. My grandma liked bingo. My grandma was my best friend.

    I miss my Grandma.


    Do you think you or someone you love has a problem with Alcohol or Substance Abuse? Here is a basic checklist to see if alcohol and other drug abuse may be an issue in someone’s life.

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